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Fido’s Summer Plans
July 1, 2023

Summer has officially started. Do you have a lot of fun things planned already? Our canine patients certainly do. Here, a local Vinton, VA vet goes over a few things on your pup’s agenda for the next few months.

Splash Around

What better way is there to cool off on a sweltering day than by playing in a pool, sprinkler, or fountain? Swimming isn’t right for all dogs, but if your pooch enjoys it—and your vet doesn’t object—go ahead and indulge him. Just put your furry buddy’s safety first. For pets that can’t swim, a sprinkler, kiddie pool, or doggy fountain pad can get those tails going.

Explore All The Things

We have to admire Fido’s love for adventure. Your canine pal will be more than happy to explore new parks and trails with you. Try a one-tank trip to a new spot. This can also make for a great outing with friends or family members who have pups of their own.

Grilling Out

Summer and barbecues go together like, well, cheese and burgers. Fido will be more than happy to accompany you! Just don’t give your pup anything that isn’t safe for him. Some dangerous foods include avocado, meat on the bone, grapes and raisins, raw dough, chocolate, and alcohol. Ask your vet for more information.

Learn Something New

Summer nights are a great time to work on your furry friend’s petucation. Head out to the back yard and take time to work on Fido’s training. If your pooch has mastered the basics, such as Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down, show him a cute trick.


Fido is never more adorable than when he’s chasing after a ball or Frisbee. Take time to play with your dog! This is a great way to enjoy those beautiful summer evenings. It can also make for some ‘pawesome’ photos.

Catch That Squirrel

Many of our canine pals get very, very excitable, and quite a few are prone to chasing after small animals. Squirrels are a favorite target. Fido may not make this goal, but he’ll have fun trying. Keep your pet leashed!

Have A Cold Snack

While our ice cream isn’t safe for dogs, you can get FIdo his own version. That’s bound to get your pet’s tail going!

As your Vinton, VA pet clinic, we are dedicated to providing top notch veterinary care. Call us anytime! 

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