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Senior Cat Care
July 15, 2023

Have you noticed that your cat isn’t as playful as she once was? Fluffy tends to age slowly and gracefully. However, she’ll start slowing down around the time she gets to be nine or ten. The good news is that these days, many of our feline pals are living well into their teens or even twenties with good care. You’ll just want to pamper your little buddy a bit once she reaches her golden years. A local Vinton, VA vet offers some advice on how to do that below.

Good Food

Nutrition is a crucial part of your cat’s health. Fluffy will need to transition over to a senior-friendly formula, which may have more taurine and protein than a typical adult-formula food. Make any changes slowly, and only after talking to your vet. Pay attention to portion sizes, and don’t let your furball meowpulate you. Even overfeeding your kitty by a tiny amount can cause her to pack on extra weight.

Veterinary Care

While Fluffy won’t be happy about having her napping schedule interrupted, she will benefit from more frequent appointments. If you were bringing your feline buddy in yearly, you may need to start coming in every six months. Of course, you’ll also need to bring her in ASAP if you notice any signs of sickness.


Older cats are weaker, slower, and more fragile than their younger counterparts. Keep this in mind. We strongly recommend keeping your kitty indoors. If she’s used to going outdoors, consider making her a kitty enclosure. 


If our feline friends had one golden rule to follow, it would likely be that comfort is king. Make sure your furry little diva has plenty of soft beds and napping spots. (You get bonus purrs if some of them are in sunbeams and/or have window views.)


Small touches can also make a big difference. Set out extra water bowls and litter boxes, and leave a nightlight on after dark. Pet ramps and stairs will help Fluffy reach her spot on the bed.


Take a few minutes a day to hold a wand or laser pointer for Fluffy. Playing offers entertainment, exercise, and mental stimulation, all of which are good for her. Senior cat purrs are extra ‘pawesome’ in our book!

Please contact us, your Vinton, VA pet hospital, for your senior kitty’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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