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Dog Walking Hacks
October 1, 2023

It’s Walk Your Dog Week! Those daily walks aren’t just important for sanitation: they keep Fido fit, offer mental stimulation, and give you some quality time with your pet. A Vinton, VA vet lists a few hacks that will make those strolls a bit easier in this article.

Have A Dedicated Space

Keeping things organized can save you quite a bit of time. Install a dedicated organizer to hang Fido’s leashes on. You may also want to get a bag or coat specifically for walking your pooch. Stock it with basics you may need, such as treats, a phone charger, spare keys, gloves, and perhaps a personal protective device.

Walk For A Cause

Did you know that there’s an app that will donate money to shelters based on how far you walk your pooch? It’s called Wooftrax.

Learn Something

Want to pick up a new language? Use a language app as Fido is sniffing the neighbor’s yard. Just put safety first. Don’t turn the earbuds up too loud. You need to hear things like brakes, voices, barking, or other commotion. Also, keep your main focus on your canine pal at all times.

Carabiner Clip

Popping a carabiner onto the end of the leash can really come in handy. If you ever need to stop to chat or sort something out, you can easily clip your furry friend to a tree or post. Just never leave Fido unattended.

Keep A Doggy Bag In The Car

Do you sometimes like to take Fido to a park or trail? Keep a bag for him in the car. You’ll want to fill it with key necessities, such as water, gloves, a doggy water bottle or collapsible bowls, treats, waste baggies, and a spare leash. This can also double as the basis of a travel bag or emergency kit.

Night Walks

You may be walking your furry friend after dark quite a bit in the coming months. Consider getting a leash with a flashlight in the handle. You can even get your pooch a collar that lights up.

Mud Busting

Dogs fill our homes with love and friendship. They also add their fair share of muddy pawprints. Keep a bottle or water and a rag or pet wipes near the door, and teach your pup to let you clean his feet before he goes back in.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Feel free to contact us, your Vinton, VA animal clinic, anytime!

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